The Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses a vast array of electronics that are not traditional computing devices but are connected to the internet to send and receive data. These include sensors, wearables, robots, dro
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Cyberbullying atau perundungan siber adalah bentuk kekerasan digital yang sering kali tak tampak namun berdampak besar pada kesejahteraan emosional korban. Pelecehan ini bisa terjadi dalam banyak bentuk, mulai dari penghinaan, peniruan identitas,
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving technology that connects devices and systems over the internet, allowing them to communicate and exchange data. With its growing influence on daily life, the demand for skilled IoT professionals i
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The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to network-connected devices that lack a web graphical user interface but are equipped with sensors and technology to exchange data. These devices, such as smart gadgets and personal assistants, play a crucial r
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices that connect to the internet and communicate with each other, impacting both our personal and professional lives. These devices range from simple household items to
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In 2023, the global economy saw unexpected outcomes, with many regions, particularly the U.S. and Western countries, showing resilience in the face of challenges like high interest rates and inflation. This unexpected
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Di tahun 2024, dunia keamanan siber menghadapi tantangan baru seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Tren kecerdasan buatan (AI) dan pembelajaran mesin (ML) semakin mengubah cara organisasi mendeteksi dan merespons ancaman, memungkinkan mereka unt
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PT Jababeka Tbk (KIJA) dan Telkomsel telah menandatangani kesepakatan untuk mempercepat adopsi teknologi 5G di Kawasan Industri Jababeka. Melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Infrastruktur Cakrawala Telekomunikasi (ICTel), Jababeka bekerja sama dengan T
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